In-store data and analysis

Artificial intelligence in the retail environment

We will introduce you the new methods of the sales execution quality measurements and the shopper in-store behaviour including their analysis and evaluation.

We work with the best in the industry and we will help you to understand the benefits of new technologies.

Real-time evaluation of in-store execution

Gain access to the real time and on-line data  about the level of sales and merchandising execution. Thanks to regular phones and special software you will be able to increase you sales by:

> having 100% availability and visibility of your products including right prices
> having full control over you new product launches
> transparently rewarding your sales team based on your data

We are the main partner of PRO Business Solutions.

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Real-time shopper in-store tracking

Understand the in-store shopper behaviour and gain access to data like number of your category and product shoppers happening at the home-shelf or secondary placement.

On-line shopper tracking will uncover new sales opportunities like:

>> conversion funnel opportunities
>> hot zones identification for home-shelf and secondary placements
>> dwell time in respective zones vs. basket size
>> visitors’ traffic by hours and week days enabling proper merchandiser’s planning
 >> queue tracking and staff planning
>> and more data with insights

We are the main partner of Pygmalios.

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